Tag Archives: Obama

Putin: Chem Arms Handover Works Only If US Calls Off Strike


Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Syria’s chemical arms handover will only work if the US and its allies renounce the use of force against Damascus.

US Senate Delays Syria Strike Vote Over Russian ‘chemical handover’ Proposal

Syria backs Russia's plan for chemical weapons handover

President Obama is willing to “absolutely” put on pause, a military strike on Syria if Assad accepts Russia’s proposal to hand over control of the chemical weapons to the international community.

President Obama Shoots Himself in the Foot on Gun Control

President Obama Shoots Himself in the Foot

North’s law of knee-jerk politics is this: “When you become a knee-jerk politician, you will eventually shoot yourself in the foot.” This is what President Obama has just done. He has decided that he is going to make gun control one of his two major issues.

Obama contemplating executive action on new gun laws

President Barack Obama gestures as he speaks during the last news conference of his first term in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Monday, Jan. 14, 2013

WASHINGTON (AP) — Facing powerful opposition to sweeping gun regulations, President Barack Obama is weighing 19 steps he could take through executive action alone, congressional officials said. But the scope of such measures is limited.

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